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Cao Yungeng

time: 2017-08-11

  Cao yungeng:The midwife is a midwife

  Has more than 30 years experience in midwifery, the former dalian maternity hospital maternity midwifery long, with liaoning trainer qualifications at the national institutes of health, career delivered more than ten thousand newborns, able to work for a variety of dystocia delivery, make a number of easy childbirth puerpera childbirth, and save the day. It has great skills in shoulder difficulty, postpartum hemorrhage, suture of soft birth canal, hematoma suture. (in the case of neonatal asphyxiation resuscitation, many years have been the training of neonatal asphyxia in dalian city, contributing to maternal and child health, and having a good reputation in the maternity circle.)

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