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Water birthBaiJia

Water Pain Relief Labor

time: 2017-08-10

  Comfortable Birth for Easy and Natural Birth of Babies
  It Effectively Reduces the Labor Pain
  It Avoids Perineal Laceration
  It Shortens the Labor Stages
  It Helps Neonates to Adapt to the Environment
  It is Free and Comfortable, Soothing the Laboring Women
  Q: What is water pain relief labor? Is it safe?
  A: Water pain relief labor is a new type of natural birth. With the buoyancy of water, the laboring women can deliver the babies with less pain without any narcotic or painkilling injection, and will have less perineal laceration, shorter labor stages and less effect of gravity on the babies. Water pain relief labor has become popular in Europe and America since the 60’s with numerous successful cases. Baijia Professional Chain Organization of Women and Infants Healthcare that dalian Baijia Maternity Hospital affiliates to has established a long-term and comprehensive partnership with Waterbirth International. Water pain relief labor is a successful practice of the concept of Green Pregnancy and Natural Birth advocated by Baijia. Currently thousands of babies have born in the water in maternity hospitals affiliated to Baijia International Group.
  Q: Will a baby born in water choke on water?
  A: It will be a good transition for the baby if he is born in clean water with proper temperature since he lives in warm amniotic fluid when in uterus. Baby gets oxygen and nutrition in uterus through umbilical cord because his pulmonary alveoli are not opened; when the baby is born in the water, the pulmonary alveoli are still under the pressure of water similar to the situation in uterus, and the baby has no autonomous respiration so he won’t choke on water. Only when the baby is gently taken out of the water with the simulation of air and temperature change, his breathing receptor around the nose and mouth will start to work and the pulmonary alveoli will open. This is how the baby establishes his own respiratory function, and why we hear the burst of crying as we expected. Therefore, the baby is very safe in the water.
  Q: Can any hospitals offer the service of water pain relief labor?
  A: Hospitals without professional equipments and operation training on water pain relief labor in the hospitals may have accidents that could have been avoided. And the sterilization and infection prevention with unprofessional equipments of water pain relief labor cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, it is better to choose professional hospitals for water pain relief labor. dalian Baijia Maternity Hospital owns a whole set of water pain relief equipment and safety monitoring devices to ensure the safety of you and your baby. Expectant moms who are interested in water pain relief labor may come to our hospital to book this service; our experts will do a comprehensive prenatal examinations and evaluation for you. Normally those meet the conditions of virginal birth can do water pain relief labor.

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