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 • It is our hospital’s mission to provide impartial and high quality care to all the patients regardless of gender,

age, national origin, race, religion, values, social and economic status, or medical condition.

• You and your family members have the right to be know the information of the doctor in charge of your case

and other professional medical or nursing staff, and also your health status, results from important tests,

treatment plan, alternative treatment, possible outcomes, and possible risks during the consultation and


• You have the right to participate in making decisions concerning surgery, invasive tests or treatments,

anesthesia, blood transfusion, or high-risk treatments. Before you sign the consent form, our physicians will

inform you of the reason for undertaking the procedure, the possibility of success, its possible complications

and risks, and alternatives.

• You have the right to be treated in safe medical environment.

• You have the right to participate in the treatment and decision-making processes. We respect your right to

look for a second opinion and this will not influence the quality of our services.

• You have the right to refuse or give up treatment or medical care provided by our physicians, including the

right of DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) .

• It is our legal responsibility to protect your privacy and keep your medical record confidential during clinical

assessments, examinations/procedures, and transfers.

• You have the right to receive assessment, control and treatment of your pain.

• You have the right to obtain copied medical records, proof of diagnosis and detailed statement of medical

cost during hospitalization and after discharge permitted by law.

• If you have any feedback, suggestions, or complaints about our medical services, you can tell us in the

following ways. We have designated staff to address your concerns.

1. Complaint hotline: 0411-86887777

2. Fax number: 0411-86887777

3.Fill in the “Patient and Visitor Feedback Form” and place it into the feedback box.

• You have the right to receive education about health care.