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 • Please honestly provide detailed information about medical conditions, past illnesses, allergy history, current

medications, and other medical remedies to our medical staff because this information is important for us.

• You have the responsibility to comply with the treatment plan established by our medical team, including but

not limited to medications, diet and exercises.

• You have the obligation to respect work and human dignity of the medical staff.

• You have the obligation to pay for medical care and other service fees.

• You should not ask our medical staff to provide false medical record, proof of diagnosis, or other examination


• You should respect others and should not affect the treatment of others, and to prevent the transmitting

disease to others.

• You have the responsibility to comply with the rules and regulations of the medical institutions, treasure

medical resources and protect public property.

• Our hospital is not responsible for any loss or damage of your personal belongings and valuables. Patients

and family members are advised to secure personal belongings and valuables on their own.