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Neonatal Experts:

Cai Lijie
Director of Neonatology Department
Personal profile:
Cai Lijie: Director of Neonatology Department In pediatric clinical work for more than 30 years, the original maternity hospital in dalian new pediatricians, the 11th deputies, (in Dalian the first penetration hospital pediatric NICU, Har...[MORE]

Ding Wei
Director of Children\'s Health Care
Personal profile:
Ding Wei: Director of Childrens Health Care In pediatric clinical work, child care more than 30 years, the former dalian city maternal and child health care and child care director of obstetrics and gynecology hospital, director of the neon...[MORE]

Dong Haiyan
Chief physician
Personal profile:
D ong Haiyan: Chief physician, the specialist in the department of medicine Graduated from China medical university, in pediatric medical treatment, pediatric health care work for over 40 years, the former dalian maternity hospi...[MORE]